Spark for investors

How to de-risk, reduce costs and increase value for technology-driven ventures?

The dual challenge for you as an investor is to minimize risks while accelerating growth and impact for your portfolio ventures. We all know this is more challenging for technology driven ventures. At Spark, we specialize in turning technologies into market-ready products, expanding portfolios, and ensuring successful international market entry. All with a focus on sustainability and user-centered design.

De-risking investments

We use our 30+ years of R&D expertise and development of over 1.000 state of the art technology products to assess your potential investments for risks, uncover hidden value and define actions needed to scale. Supporting the entrepreneurs to identify white spaces and improve their business plans and helping you to focus on the investment decision and path forward.

Reducing costs

Often it’s essential to reduce costs and pricing of the product(s) to grow the market. With our proven integral design process, end-to-end approach and extensive supplier network, we know how to reduce costs, without losing sight of the quality of product(s).  

For example, we redesigned the autonomous security robot SAM in less than 6 months and reduced assembly time by more than 50%.

Increasing value to grow the market

We understand the importance of time-to-market to reduce burnrates and - more importantly - enjoy the first mover advantages. We leverage our team of 30+ designers and engineers to focus on finding solutions and focus on delivering. Our focus on exceptional user experiences leads to higher and faster customer adoption. We help your clients for example to be on time for international trade shows, help getting certifications (for entering the U.S.A. market or other markets) and design-to-manufacture with suppliers ready to scale up.  

For example, we started development in 2019 of the zero emission fireplace for Kalfire and it grew to a major part of their turnover in 2023 and is now entering the U.S.A. market.

Creating value for a successful exit or even an IPO

Our drive is to develop breakthrough products and helping our clients to bring them to market. The success of our collaboration to add value is an increase in indicators, like brand value, clients attractiveness, increase margins, sales, market share and a positive impact, but more and more in being a pivotal part in a new investment round, success exit or even an IPO.

Example: By making smart, integral choices in a multidisciplinary design team we accelerated the development of the Next Gen CRRT machine for continuous dialysis for patients. The medtech product was an essential building block for a Chinese multinational to get listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

We work for a wide range of investors, from business angels, venture capital, impact investors to private equity worldwide. If you are looking for new investments, we work with many ventures and we even initiate our own ventures.

Getting a new investor

If you are looking for new investors, we love to think with you, help you to strengthen your proposition in small, but crucial steps and open up our investors network for you to more successful. We also have a wide network of service providers, who can support you in your journey.

Creating sustainable and social impact is in our DNA and love to share our vision with yours.

We are always working with state-of-the-art technologies and enjoy exchanging visions and insights on market transformations.  

We are looking forward to meeting you and sharing our mutual passion for innovation, growth and impact.  

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Michel van Schie

Managing partner

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