MT1000: Spark in the top 3 best design agencies

October 26, 2023

Spark among the very best and top scorer in 'Excellent execution'.

Spark can count itself among the very best design agencies in the Netherlands and has been awarded the title of top performer for excellent execution. MT/Sprout annually publishes the MT1000: a prestigious list that includes the best business service providers in the Netherlands.

We are proud to be among the top business service providers in the category of design agencies and to have the highest score in 'Excellent execution'. We want to thank all our clients and partners for their trust!"

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Creating market leaders

Our clients are significant players in their respective global markets. "We create products for market leaders." How? Through technical innovations, clever solutions, and products that are well-designed in an integrated manner.

Managing partner Michel van Schie discusses more about how we design products for the market leaders of tomorrow. Read the full MT/Sprout interview here.

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