Four products in the G100

September 14, 2023

We did it again! Four innovative products we designed together with our clients made it to the 2023 G100.

We are extremely proud that BubbleFlush, Lifehammer Smart, HTM Mabri and the Secrid Dynamics have been included in this prestigious list. The G100 represents the very best in industrial product design in the Netherlands. Our products are acclaimed for their relevance, originality and outstanding design. This recognition confirms our dedication to delivering products that add value, solve real problems, and are at the forefront of innovation.

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For Tranzero we created the industrial design of The BubbleFlush. It is an innovative solution for toilet cleaning using ultrasound, used by professional cleaners, and the use of (aggressive) chemical cleaning agents is avoided.


Together with HTM, we worked on a modular shelter, the Mabri, which can be used for temporary detours in public transport and special events. The Mabri is designed with a focus on robustness, user-friendliness, and flexibility. The shelter is modular, making it easy to transport and install. It won’t leave you out in the rain.


Together with Life Safety Product we designed the new generation Lifehammer: the Lifehammer Smart. It assists people in emergency situations to escape from a car. The product is compact, lightweight, and can be placed in strategic spots within the car, ensuring the Lifehammer Smart is always within reach.


Who doesn't know them: the aluminium wallets from the globally successful Dutch company Secrid? The Secrid Dynamics are moving store displays that demonstrate the functionality of these popular wallets. We have developed a high-precision product that operates smoothly, reliably, and silently for tens of millions of cycles.

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