New addition to ZiuZ's ApolloZ: the hyperspectral
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Encouraging sustainable behaviour through smart design
Drive innovation in the health sector
Gamechanger for diabetes management.
Lars Timmerman previously interned at Spark. But it went so well for both parties that he's back now.
Meet Marsha, Tim, and Christian, our dynamic trio of interns bringing fresh perspectives and curiosity to Spark.
Your flagship product: It is functional, beautiful, perfected over the years. It generates the majority of your turnover and it makes your brand shine. Your company blooms because of it. The product is so successful, you don’t want to change it. As a matter of fact… you don’t dare to change it. What if you killed the magic?
By definition, a client has unique knowledge and insights; Not only about the market and about the target group, but in particular about their own strategy, ambitions, culture, how risk averse they are, and scope for investment.
In the meantime, the world has moved on and we have already developed a number of robots with our clients.