From patented idea to working prototype
For the Kuwait-based Sabah al-Ahmad Center we have thoroughly translated a number of patented ideas into prototypes. Some of these ideas had no technical detailing at all. The grenade-style fire extinguisher is one of these projects.
When a fire is blazing in a confined space it can be too hot to approach. The idea of this patent is an extinguisher that is thrown into the fire. It then always straightens itself, triggers through a heat sensor and starts tempering the flames, allowing for people to enter the space and either move to safety or further put down the fire.
Accessible from all sides
Easy to grab in emergencies

Technical challenges
It is essential that the extinguisher lands upright, so that the sprinkler head can distribute the extinguishing agent optimally. We achieved this with clever weight distribution and ingenious pressure vessels. Thanks to the handle, which is accessible from all sides, and the simple docking station, the extinguisher is easy to grab and throw in case of a hard-to-reach fire.