Rotterdam's organic waste container
In collaboration with the City of Rotterdam we designed an enclosure for an organic waste mini-container (‘Kliko’).This enclosure allows people who live in apartment buildings or city centers, and don’t have their own ‘green’ container (food and garden waste), to easily dispose their food waste. Utilizing a standard 'Kliko' as a foundation enables waste collection through existing waste trucks. If the organic waste collected is free of pollution it can be turned into high quality compost. When finished there will be more than 2000 enclosures placed throughout Rotterdam.
The overall challenge was to create a robust and user-friendly disposal column that integrates in Rotterdam's urban landscape and collects high-quality waste for re-use.
User-friendly for both residents and collectors
Accessible for disabled persons and elderly
Hands-on approach for the tender process

Design goals
An important goal was to create an enclosure that is user-friendly for both residents and garbage collectors. For wheelchair users and the elderly, the height of the throw-in opening and use force are critical. Additionally, the product needed to prioritize safety and cleanliness. For collectors, the enclosure had to offer quick and easy access, with minimal force required to extract the mini-container.
For the municipality ease of placement was critical. The enclosure and its concrete base could only be slightly recessed in the ground due to cable and pipe considerations. Also the quality of the waste collected is very important, as contaminated GFE cannot be efficiently turned into compost.