Designed for professional cleaners
BubbleFlush is an innovative solution for toilet cleaning, invented by Tranzero. It avoids the use of (aggressive) chemical cleaning agents. BubbleFlush takes care of the cleaning task by replacing chemistry with ultrasound technology. In doing so, it reduces plastic waste, saves on water purification costs, and minimizes waste disposal.
In cooperation with Tranzero, we have designed and engineered the enclosure for the revolutionary Bubbleflush. Positioning it as a product for professional cleaners, we aimed to design a product that is robust, easy to use, safe and has a simple but powerful design.
Easy to use
Simple, safe and reliable

Design challenges
The development of an integrated product around TranZero’s technology presents several unique challenges. One such challenge is the incorporation of high-voltage electronics while ensuring water resistance and vibration resilience. We developed a long, single piece shaft, sealed with o-rings directly around the transducer, providing a submergible solution. Another is finding the right archetype for such a new-to-the-world product, anticipating the actual use in the field.