Zero emission fireplace
A fireplace brings people together. Spark and Kalfire have developed a series of zero-emission fireplaces. The unique holographic effect creates an asthonishing view that is unprecendented in the market for electronic fireplaces worldwide.
This innovation has created a new platform for our client. It has been an instant market success since the introduction and, on top of that, features several design awards. The close cooperation between Kalfire, Spark and its partners, challenging each other and using everyone's specialty was the basis for this success.
We have evolved the first E-One fireplace into a flexible product platform. Due to the modular build the fireplaces are easy to install in different versions, such as a corner and three-sided fireplace, and in different sizes to accomodate for all kinds of interiors. We designed the Kalfire fireplaces in such a way that the preferred version can be chosen in the final stages of assembly.
Groundbreaking innovation
Integrating hardware, software, video and sound
Modular product platform

A symphony of effects and attributes
To create the most realistic effect, close attention has been paid to every detail. A natural glow bed is modelled with Grasshopper algorithms. We developed customized displays and carefully tweaked light effects. Special video processing techniques are used to create smooth flames that change instantly in size by simply pushing a button. Meanwhile, the cost price has been in the lead throughout the whole project.