Empowering children with neuroblastoma
Neuroblastoma is a rare form of cancer which mostly affects young children. Children who suffer from neuroblastoma are on constant treatment with intravenous infusion for months. During this period, patients are limited because they have to carry around the IV lines, a heavy medicine cassette and pump. This causes that they are not only limited in their freedom of movement, but also in their ability to be a child.
This new bag design protects the medicine kit while simultaneously empowering these children. We started with assumptions about what children and parents would want, shattered these by doing elaborate user research and designed a completely different experience with the emphasis on freedom and personal wishes without losing sight of the medical requirements. This was possible due to our centre position between our client Recordati Rare Diseases, the medical specialists and the great openness of everyone involved in the process.
Empowers children with neuroblastoma
Patients can customize the design over and over again
Thorough stakeholders involvement

The design
Young children are not made to sit still and be careful. Now, they don’t have to. The improved bag protects the medicine cassette, pump and the intravenous line. This enables the patients to run, play and move any way they want because the weight of the kit is better distributed, unlike it’s bag predecessor. Children can choose additional strap support on the chest or hips. The pump can easily be accessed in case of emergency and the contact details are immediately visible in the right place. Next to the cassette and pump, there is a designated space for emergency batteries and personal artwork.